Thursday, October 30, 2014

"Work hard, be kind, and amazing thins will happen" - Conan O'Brien

Conan O'Brien was a TV host for late night talk shows for almost 17 years until a huge "public relations disaster" in 2009 occurred. Conan was promised to be the host of  "The Tonight Show" starting in 2009 when Jay Leno's contract ended. After this new change failed to attract viewers, NBC wanted to switch the times and move Conan's show to later. This sparked up many emotions and Conan and his staff were furious and did not agree to these changes which led to a settlement for Conan and his staff of 45 million dollars.(Tonight Show Conflict) Conan's discussion of disappointment and failure is very similar to Mark Edmundson's discussion of failure in "Glorious Failure". The point Edmundson seems to be trying to get across is that everyone will fail at some point in their life, and many times after that. But instead of looking at your failures and mistakes as they don't exist in our past, we need to take those failures with us and learn from them and use them to help us accomplish other things in our future. Conan states an outstanding quote that really caught my attention right away in his commencement speech to Darmouth Colleges Graduating Class of 2011. "It is our failure to become our perceived idea that ultimately defines us and makes us unique". This quote goes right along with the point that Edmundson is trying to get across. Failure in life defines us, it helps us grow into the people we become, and it helps you learn the what to do's and what not to do's in life.

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