Thursday, November 6, 2014

~ Prepartory Take Home Quiz ~

Topic #1 ~ Christmas Break

      Over Christmas break me and my family will be going to New Mexico to visit some of my family. First on the night of December 16th, me and my sister will be going home to the Woodlands to meet my dad & brother to meet up and get on the road. It will take us around fourteen hours and we hope to make it there at a decent time the next morning. Second, all my family will start showing up at my aunt's and we will be immediately getting ready for a family reunion that evening. Then a couple days later we are going up to a cabin to go skiing and snowboarding for two days. After that, we will be heading back to my aunt's to celebrate Christmas with everyone before we all head back home. Finally, Christmas eve will roll around and we will all be back on the road headed home to our families for Christmas. It's going to be one long, crazy, jam-packed, hectic Christmas break but I'm very excited to get away and go on vacation and see family I don't get to see very often.

Topic #2 ~ Moving To College

      When I decided that I was going to go away and be moving for college, excitement was the only thing that really overcame me and that was all I really thought about. I didn't think about everything it would take and all the steps it would take to move. Firstly, we got all of my room packed up and organized in boxes for what went where and went with what. Next, we got my car, my sisters, my aunt, and my moms car all packed up and ready to go the day before just so we made sure not to forget anything. Lastly, we woke up early  the next day and made the what felt like forever long drive up to College station. When we arrived we unpacked all the cars and began the long weekend of getting our apartment organized and all put together. It was a very long and tiring weekend full of stuff to do, but it was also a nice start to a new fresh life on my own!


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