Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Holiday Season!

       In my twenty years of living, trying to plan where to go and when to be places has never been this hard! The holidays are supposed to be happy and joyful not stressful and annoying which is what planning mine are as of this moment. Having my parents split a few years ago was a little hard and frustrating having to split up the days between both. But it seems as the years have gone on and they have both found significant others, which has led to us having more and more places to attend each year. We've gone from having Thanksgiving with our parents together, and then the two outside families, to our parents separate and the outside families. But this year is a whole new ball game for us all. We have each of our parents, our immediate outside family, and now our parents significant others families. It all sounds exciting and fun, but trying to work around everyone's schedule and making sure we make an appearance at each one has never been more complicated. As for me and my sister, me and her being about two hours away from everyone doesn't help the situation any either. It  makes it even more complicated since we have a lot of driving to do to attend them all. I'm usually not one to complain or not enjoy the holidays but at this rate, its almost like I don't want to attend any. I have started to think to myself "let's just stay home", but that sounds like a total holiday Grinch type saying. So instead, I've decided to deal with all the confusion, craziness and arguing over certain times of who has what and where and enjoy the holidays as much as I can. Nobody likes sour or bitter people on Thanksgiving or much less Christmas. So cheers to time with close friends and family & Happy Holidays!


  1. First of all, I don't know why I'm first one to comment on your blog. After I read this, I might have some similar problem that you had, visit relative at far place where it annoying suck. My advise is "enjoy on the go, and just go with the flow" :)

  2. Happy Holidays, spend time with your family.

  3. Girl I know what you mean! I go through the same thing when I go visit my family. We have my mom's side and my dad's side then the kids open presents from Santa. Also my cousin and I both live out of state so we have to plan around our schedules too.
