Monday, November 17, 2014

Response To Classmates Blogs!

    Out of all of my classmates blogs, the one that first stood out to me was Georgia Nobles blog about how her high school reading teachers didn't prepare her for college at all. And how now she feels she isn't at the level she should be. I totally agree and understand exactly where she is coming from. I felt the exact same way and was in the same situation, I just choose to leave. Which ultimately turned out to be the best decision I ever made.

    The second blog that stood out to me was Jessica Carter's blog about how her nieces and nephews are her world and how close she is to each one of them. I personally don't know what its like to be that close or have blood nieces or nephews, but I think its awesome how she cherishes them and loves spending her time with them when she can. I hope to be at least half the aunt and as close to my nieces and nephews one day (when I have them of course).

    The last blog that I could sort of relate to or understand, was Joanna Carreno's blog about how coming from only knowing Spanish and now trying to learn and understand English has been a really big struggle for her. As well as trying to get her point across to other people, which is also a big struggle. I don't know first hand what it is like, so I cant say how hard it is, but I know trying to learn Spanish was never easy for me so I couldn't only imagine what its like for her.

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